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Orthotist is a medical specialty that focuses on the design and application of orthoses. An orthosis is an externally applied device used to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromuscular and skeletal system.


The main aim of orthotics is to influence in protect, position, align or improve the body in some way. 

Orthotist at Koru Orthotics Christchurch measuring an foot orthotic for a patient

Foot Orthotics

Foot orthotics can refer to insoles which can be used for many different foot problems. Insoles can be made custom to your foot profile, or we can modify an off-the-shelf base.


Foot orthotics can also refer to other orthotics relating to the foot for example, heel raises, toe spreaders and carbon foot plates. 

Example of Foot Orthotic at Koru Orthotics

Ankle Orthosis

There are great support options for ankle and foot injuries, and these orthoses can be used as part of your post operative care or return to work plan.


We have variety in stock but can also order a specific brace if required.

Example of Ankle Orthosis at Koru Orthotics

Ankle Foot Orthosis

An ankle foot orthosis or AFO refers to an orthosis that helps with dorsiflexion and plantarflexion weakness, decreased stability and energy intense gait.

They are made with many different designs and materials for example silicone, carbon, plastic and 3D printed material. The realm of AFO’s is very vast and the orthotist can discuss your options with you after an assessment.

Example of Ankle Foot Orthosis at Koru Orthotics

Knee Orthosis

Knee braces are used for support, offloading and protection. Some knee braces are prescribed as part of your post-operative care, and some are used to protect a certain structure in your knee during activities for everyday life.


They also have many different designs, materials and joint options.

Example of Knee Orthosis at Koru Orthotics

Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis

If you have weakness in your ankle and knee joints, we will usually prescribe a KAFO. This is a long leg brace, made from carbon lamination, with joints that are appropriate for each client individually. Some clients used this with a locked knee joint through their whole gait pattern and some clients have a microprocessor knee joint, like a C-brace, that can mimic their knee function and allow for more fluent gait. This prescription is decided after an assessment with an orthotist. 

Example of Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) at Koru Orthotics

Upper Limb Orthosis

We also use orthoses for wrist, elbow and shoulder joints.


These range from night positioning to support and protection during the day. 

Example of Upper Limb Orthosis at Koru Orthotics

Mobility Aids

As part of or surgery appliances we have on offer:

  • Shower stools

  • Knee scooters

  • Toilet seat raisers

It would be beneficial to book these as soon as you have your surgery detail to make sure we have one in hand. 

GPs, physiotherapists, sports physicians, orthopedic surgeons and podiatrists - we welcome your patient referrals. 

ERMS logo for patient referrals at Koru Orthotics Christchurch

Fill out our easy referral form online now or use ERMS

Frequently asked questions

Main surfing with knee orthotic device - Koru Orthotics Christchurch

We're ready to help you heal

Book an appointment at Koru Orthotics in Christchurch where we help you find orthotic products to feel better, and connect you with resources so you stay that way.

Clinic Location

Level 2

7 Winston Ave


Christchurch 8053

Opening Hours

Monday: 9 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday: 9 am - 4:30 pm

Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 9 am - 3 pm

Get in Touch

Phone: 03 390 5763


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