Another little wonder on the market of AFO’s for foot drop is the PUSH Ortho AFO. Using a basic design, with some added features, it is a lovely brace that provides as much lift as you need, without being too bulky.

This Ankle Foot Orthosis offers a strong yet flexible posterior shell that cups the calf, thins out over the Achilles tendon, has an opening over the back of the heel and ends off in a ¾ length footplate. It is designed with a thin, soft, suede-like lining for comfort and moisture wicking. Featuring more straps than standard braces, the PUSH AFO sits securely on your leg while walking. The calf strap is adjustable to allow for volume fluctuation, the strap on top of the foot holds the heel down in the brace, and the two cross-over elastic straps lifts the foot during swing phase in order for the toes to clear the ground. The cross-over option for fastening the elastic dorsiflexion straps will also provide a bit more mediolateral stability to the ankle during heel strike and mid-stance.
Features and benefits:
Low profile
Very comfortable over bony prominences
Secure fastening onto leg with no migration of foot inside splint
Adjustable tension on dorsiflexion straps
Shorter footplate fits into most shoes, including slippers and sandals
Can be used as a night splint
Machine washable

Indications for use:
Weak or absent dorsiflexion
Flaccid paralysis of dorsiflexion muscles with plantarflexion muscles still functional
Moderate ankle instability together with drop foot
Things to remember and contra-indications:
Multiple straps might be tricky for those with limited dexterity or cognitive difficulty
The elastic straps could impede circulation in patients who are struggling with swelling
Not strong enough for high-impact activities
Not suitable for patients who have moderate to high levels of spasticity, loss of plantarflexion strength, or severe foot deformities
Have you been kicking against getting some help for your foot drop? Don’t kick yourself for not giving this beauty a try... maybe all you need is a little PUSH...
