Are you tired of asking your partner to open that jam jar? Has the pain in your wrist left your family longing for the days of home-baked bread? Do you find that your wrist is painful with certain movements after that injury? We might have the solution for you today!
Wrist pain localized on the ulnar side (little finger’s side), can be the result of a triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) injury. This can be caused by trauma, or through degenerative changes that occurs with arthritis, for instance.
The TFCC is made up of 3 ligament groups: the triangular fibrocartilage discus, the radioulnar ligaments and the ulnocarpal ligaments, designed to keep the wrist joint stable. In the event of an injury to the TFCC, it is most easily seen with pain when the wrist is deviated to the ulnar side. Treatment for this kind of injury can include anti-inflammatory medication and immobilization.
Immobilizing the wrist is easier said than done. Ask any person with a toddler or baby just how impossible it is to do anything for your child or in the house with a locked-up wrist! The typical wrist immobilizer brace has a metal plate that extends from mid-forearm to the palm of the hand, thereby blocking the wrist from flexing or extending. Although this is pretty successful as treatment for ligament and tendon injuries in the wrist where movement needs to be blocked, it is often very frustrating for the user.
The WristWidget overcomes quite a few of the challenges faced by the standard wrist brace. Sitting only over the wrist, it clamps over the radius and ulna, blocking the twisting motion when the hand is turned to let the palm face up (supination) or down (pronation). This is the specific action that needs to be blocked in order for the TFCC to heal. The WristWidget frees up the wrist to flex and extend as normal, thus allowing the user to get on with life without too many restrictions. It’s low-profile design is comfortable to wear and easy to put on by yourself. The open design also won’t cause skin irritation and chaffing and is great for the hot summer months. It will also reduce general wrist pain and improve weight-bearing ability.

The WristWidget is universally sized and can be used on the left or the right. It has hook and loop closure for easy adjustability, so you can determine the level of compression necessary to relieve your pain each day. Its waterproof design allows you to use it during all activities.
It is important to note, however, that the WristWidget is not suitable for use in the case of fractures or tendon ruptures in the wrist where surgery was required. In some cases, full immobilization of the wrist is needed in order for healing to occur, and you will then need to use a full-length wrist immobilizer, as prescribed by your specialist.
Get in touch today if you suffer from general wrist pain, or pain specific to twisting and grip actions. Don’t let your pain stand in the way of getting back your grip on life!
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